DELKOS 05/04 12:30 PM GMT将公布US Balance of Trade的数据如果小于专家预期,GBPUSD有72.72%的可能性将下跌。

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05/04 12:30 PM GMT将公布最新的US Balance of Trade数据。

这个可能性是根据最近12次公布US Balance of Trade数据得出的,12次中有11次真实数据小于专家预期,这其中有8次导致GBPUSD下跌。


Wednesday 07 Apr at 12:30 PM GMT:

Thursday 07 Jan at 01:30 PM GMT:

Wednesday 04 Nov at 01:30 PM GMT:

Tuesday 06 Oct at 12:30 PM GMT:

Thursday 03 Sep at 12:30 PM GMT:

Wednesday 05 Aug at 12:30 PM GMT:

Thursday 02 Jul at 12:30 PM GMT:

Tuesday 05 May at 12:30 PM GMT:
